I regularly enter the online Photocrowd competitions and was delighted that in March 2022 my image ‘Mind the Bend’ was judged by the expert, Mike betts, from over 3,300 international entries as the winning image in his competition “Corners”.
I regularly enter the online Photocrowd competitions and was delighted that in March 2022 my image ‘Mind the Bend’ was judged by the expert, Mike betts, from over 3,300 international entries as the winning image in his competition “Corners”.
After several trips through the Alps of Austria, Italy and Switzerland, I’ve been putting together a number of images to create a Book of Roads to highlight the fantastic roads that cross various alpine passes.
Below is a screen shot of sort of pages I’ve been creating:-
I’ve been using PhotoBox, who I’ve used an number of times before to create a photo album of each of the trips we’ve undertaken.
Normally I create a 20-25 page A4 landscape book but as there are a large number of images I’ve ended up with around 110 pages so far using an A3 landscape format, as I wanted to have a whole image per page, with a narrative and maps for each Pass.
Examples of the images that will be in the book are under Road Trips in my Portfolio
One feature of the X-T1 I’ve not used as much as I should is the panorama mode.
I find the ability to stitch the images in camera so cleanly very impressive. In the past I used my DSLR on a tripod and used various programs to stitch the images together afterwards but none have been as successful this.
There are various modes to allow the images to be either landscape or portrait, swung left to right, or right to left.
Finally had a chance last night to try my new 18-135 lens on our “Up the Creek” boat trip.
This is a fantastic trip organised by Ann and Alan Cox for local charities where they charter one of the river ferries to take a group out on the very high tides to parts of the rivers you can’t usually access.
I’ve not tested it back to back with my 18-55 and 55-200 but initial impressions are that it’s not quite so sharp. Here are a few of the sample images taken from a moving boat:-